
Category: Carpet Cleaning

How to remove fresh red wine stain off carpet

Red Wine Spill on Carpets Oh no, someone has spilt red wine on your light coloured carpets!  Quick - Act Fast: Saturate the spill with cold water, soda water or white wine – whichever is handiest. Blot with kitchen towels or an absorbent old tea-towel. Place heavy objects on top of kitchen / tea-towel to absorb as much liquid as possible – phone directory, old books, etc. Once most of the moisture is absorbed and carpet is nearly dry, sprinkle with bi-carb and leave overnight to dry out. Vacuum [...]

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How to to clean doggie urine off your carpet

Whoops - your puppy has just had a little wee on your carpet!     Don't panic!  Using just White Vinegar, Bi-carb of Soda and Water you can get your carpet clean again if you act fast. Just follow the easy steps below: 1. Absorb excess urine with paper towel or old tea towel 2. Make a solution of white vinegar & water in a 500 ml spray bottle (100 mls vinegar / 400 mls water) 3. Spray on the dog urine stain so it is quite wet but not saturated 4. Dry as much as possible with more paper [...]

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