Whoops – your puppy has just had a little wee on your carpet!
Don’t panic! Using just White Vinegar, Bi-carb of Soda and Water you can get your carpet clean again if you act fast.
Just follow the easy steps below:
1. Absorb excess urine with paper towel or old tea towel
2. Make a solution of white vinegar & water in a 500 ml spray bottle (100 mls vinegar / 400 mls water)
3. Spray on the dog urine stain so it is quite wet but not saturated
4. Dry as much as possible with more paper towel or old tea-towel
5. Sprinkle bi-carb of soda liberally over the wet area (acts as an absorber/deodoriser)
6. Leave on for 12-24 hours until totally absorbed and the area is dry
7. Vacuum up the remaining bi-carb of soda.
Repeat above steps if needed.
PLEASE NOTE: This only works on fresh accidents where you treat them straight away. If the stains are older and have sunk through to the underlay, then you will not be able to remove them with this method.
HANDY HINT – always keep a bottle of white vinegar & water mix ready for any little accidents.
If you have any questions regarding stain removal, please don’t hesitate to contact the friendly team at Alpine Carpet & Tile Cleaning on 0411 225 720.
Good Luck from the Cleaning Guru!
BLOGGER: Paul Mitchell, Owner/Operator of Alpine Carpet & Tile Cleaning, Perth.
Disclaimer: Please note that this and any other tips given in our DIY blog is to assist you in minimizing any discoloration or staining damage. Please follow instructions and measurements carefully as use of different quantities may have unintended consequences. These tips do not take in account individual circumstances, and we cannot be held responsible for any claim or action that may arise from using the information on this website. Please note that in some cases, there are different treatments for different fibres/fabrics – i.e. natural or synthetic. These tips are not a substitute for the treatment that we would offer as a professional carpet cleaner. If in doubt, please call us immediately.