
How to remove toothpaste off carpet

How to remove toothpaste off carpet

Recently someone put out an SOS on a Facebook Community Page asking for advice on how to remove some toothpaste stains that her young son had manage to put on her carpet.  They were moving house in a few weeks and had only just recently had the carpets cleaned, so didn’t want to go through that expense again.

We contacted her and suggested she followed our easy steps, using just washing up liquid, white vinegar and water, as below:


  1. Mix one tablespoon of liquid washing up liquid with two cups of warm water.
  2. Then using a clean white cloth, sponge the stain with the solution (do not rub).
  3. Blot the stain until all the liquid is absorbed.
  4. Sponge with cold water and use an old towel with an old heavy book or phone directory to absorb most of the wet.
  5. When lightly damp, finish off by spraying white vinegar and water to neutralize the area (100 mls white vinegar to 400 ml water in 500ml spray bottle) and let it dry.

Repeat steps if not all the stain has not completely removed.


Sarah, the lady in question, followed the above steps and was overjoyed when the stain completely removed and left the following comment on our Facebook private message saying “Your husband is a genius. Thank you so much”.


The before and after photo’s are actually from Sarah, with her permission.  They are completely untouched and are genuine.

As with all stains, you should always get expert advice rather than attempt to clean it yourself.  Be aware that supermarket stain removers aren’t always ‘one size fits all’, i.e. they aren’t suitable for all carpet types/fibres and can cause permanent damage if used incorrectly, or left in without neutralising.

Good Luck from the Cleaning Guru!

Carpet cleaning,Tile Cleaning,Sofa Cleaning,Shower Glass Cleaning,Leather Cleaning

BLOGGER: Paul Mitchell, Owner/Operator of Alpine Carpet & Tile Cleaning, Perth. 

Please note that this and any other tips given in our D.I.Y blog is to assist you in minimizing any discolouration or staining damage. Please follow instructions and measurements carefully as use of different quantities may have unintended consequences.  These tips do not take in account individual circumstances, and we cannot be held responsible for any claim or action that may arise from using the information on this website.  Please note that in some cases, there are different treatments for different fibres/fabrics – i.e. natural or synthetic. These tips are not a substitute for the treatment that we would offer as a professional carpet cleaner. If in doubt, please call us immediately.